Welcome to the Rising World Foundation
Rising World
…to raise the spirit and uplift the people of the world through positive music and art…
“Music is uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.”
– Aretha Franklin
“When sick and weary, my heart has often been solaced and refreshed by music .”
– Martin Luther
“Classical music is the best and cheapest mind-altering drug in the world.”
– Kamand Kojouri
Who We Are...
Founders & Board Members
Don Robertson, President (author, producer, composer, music futurist)
Mary Ellen Bickford Robertson, Vice President (author, artist, producer, project coordinator)
Our History… Since 1998, charter members, teachers, producers, advisors and team players have taken part in our history.
Current officers, advisors and patrons continue to grow in numbers.

What We Do...
- Research & education
- Produce videos
- Author books
- Develop projects
- Promote artists
- Manage our asset library
- Maintain YouTube channels
How to Help...
- Watch our videos
- Read our articles
- Share with others
- Especially children
- Contribute
- time
- talent
- resources
Help Fund Us
We accept tax-deductible donations and patronage
to help us finance our work.
More information…
Our Projects
Musical Kaleidoscope
Building an important educational, healing, and inspirational platform to benefit the upcoming generations around the world, focusing on the great contributions of enlightened musicians and composers from all ages and cultures.

Visual Arts
Representing over forty years of research and education into the combined effects of music, light, color, and imagery; we are pioneering new inroads toward a cultural renaissance in our world today.
Our Resources
The Library
The library contains a continually expanding, invaluable resource for learning and understanding some of the world’s important cultural achievements.

The Evolution of Music and Art
This continually evolving series of videos from Don and Mary Ellen presents important turning points in the evolution of music and art. If you follow us, we will let you know when new videos are released.
We have all of the articles written by Don Robertson over a sixty-year period. These articles are currently in the process of being edited and prepared for publication in the Articles Section.

How You Can Help
You can become a part of the cultural reawakening by helping the younger generations understand and appreciate the beauty and importance of great art and music.
If you feel that you can contribute time and talent to our work at Rising World Foundation please contact us (below). There is much to do.
Also, if we can help you reach your goals, please let us know.